Here you can find the latest and most relevant news about Amsterdam.
Gershwin Bonevacia is the new city poet of Amsterdam
At a meeting of the Amsterdam Literary Activities Foundation (SLAA) this wednesday Gershwin Bonevacia (25) got accounced as the successor of K. Schippers as Amsterdam’s city poet. Adriaan Jaeggi, Robert Anker, Mustafa Stitou, F. Starik, Menno Wigman, Anna Enquist and K. Schippers preceded him as city poet. They were all
On December 3rd 1984, 34 years ago Surinamese politician Somohardjo and Rob Wormer (chairman of the pro-Bouterse organisation Unie voor Volksdemocratie) were invited to the TV talk show of Karel van de Graaf. The discussion during the live broadcast ends up in a fight between Somohardjo and Evert Tjon (also known
Video : Blackface and Sinterklaas video
Exactly two years ago shared a video in which they tried to explain why blackface is still part of Dutch Holidays in the 21st century. Let’s watch it together because I think that they did a great job.