Here you can find the latest and most relevant news for kids.
Video : Blackface and Sinterklaas video
Exactly two years ago shared a video in which they tried to explain why blackface is still part of Dutch Holidays in the 21st century. Let’s watch it together because I think that they did a great job.
5 events for children during the 3rd Dutch Design Month
During the Dutch Design Month 2018 from december 1st till 24th in Rotterdam and Delft children can visit the following seven events. KIDS Build you own ship € 5,- 10:00-13:00 | 3011ZP.401 | Children learn how they have to build a ship from garbage KIDS Robotlab 11:00-16:00 | 2628RX.120 | Learn your robot to
3rd International Youth Film Festival is about disabled
The 3rd International Youth Film Festival Rotterdam (IYFFR) from June 1-5 will be about Life With A Disablity. The IYFFR will show this year 30 international movies and documentaries in ao House Of Craziness. Tickets can be bought at